Benefits of Various Oils


COCONUT OIL antioxidants- antifungal - anti-inflammatory -antibacterial. Great for dry skin, treating skin conditions, and has natural deep moisturizing properties.
OLIVE OIL is a potent anti-inflammatory and can be used for almost any skin type and does not clog skin pores and is excellent for dry skin.
JOJOBA OIL an excellent moisturizer for using on areas like the face and neck, a natural anti-fungal. Removes makeup naturally from the face and eye area and nourishes the skin.
SWEET ALMOND OIL rich in Vitamin E and an excellent natural antioxidant, optimal for nourishing the skin, regenerating new skin cells and keeping in moisture, and a great choice for dry skin. help repair damage in the collagen layer of the skin, making facial skin smooth and supple and reducing wrinkles.
ARGAN OIL loaded with rich, nourishing properties and healing benefits, rich in antioxidants, vitamin A and E, beneficial for healing inflammation and regenerating skin cells.
AVOCADO OIL good oil to use for anti-aging excellent nourishment for older, mature skin potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, ideal for irritable skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema
GRAPESEED OIL loaded with antioxidants and a natural anti-inflammatory, has antiseptic properties and a mild astringent, good for acne-prone or oily skin.
APRICOT KERNAL OIL excellent anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antioxidant, great for oily facial skin and dry irritated or sensitive skin
CASTOR OIL natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, great for healing skin infections, and treating topical fungal infections, excellent for fighting acne as it kills bacteria that clogs pores and reducing inflammation.
BLACK SEED OIL powerful antibacterial, antifungal, analgesic and anti-inflammatory and powerful antioxidants. Good for alleviating symptoms of eczema.
EVENING PRIMROSE OIL a potent anti-inflammatory and is highly effective in treating skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis and especially eczema.
ROSEHIP OIL high in vitamins A and E, powerful antioxidants, improves age spots & pigmentation, treats inflammation, regenerates skin, lighten scars, improves skin tone and texture, effective use for eczema and lessening the appearance of acne scars.
SUNFLOWER OIL lightens dark spots, and pimple scars, moisturizes skin, reduces signs of aging, high in vitamin E, improves acne, soothes and heals skin, & decreases inflammation.